Cathy Allen

Lake Wollumboola, 2023

4 × 23.5 × 21 cm
Lake Wollumboola is on the Sth Coast of NSW Rich in History for the Jerrinja Tribe It is a migratory stop over for many species of birds. On my last visit there were hundreds of Black Swans, as it is a protected area they nest and feed here for long periods. My work is influenced by my love of nature and more recently childhood memories of bushwalking with my family & being taught how to read maps by my Father. My observations while walking are painted onto clay as if looking from above, each piece has a unique style with Strong, colourful & spontaneous gestural marks. I take my sketchbook on my walks & it is these drawings & my love of maps & nature that is transposed onto my Ceramic pieces. My work displays an energetic and spontaneous quality, although my current work is more decorative & involves hand building.

Cathy been working with clay for over 10 years, in 2011 she received a Student Development award at Brookvale TAFE then graduated with a Diploma of Ceramics in 2012 & continues to do Open Studio at TAFE. In 2016 she was a finalist in the Port Hacking Potters Competition & each year she exhibits in the end of year Student Exhibition at TAFE & more recently in 2021 a group exhibition at Be Brave Gallery in Avalon & was in 2022 a finalist in the Crackpot Gallery Cup Competition and a finalist in the 2022 National Emerging Art Prize.
Cathy loves sketching & it is these drawings & her love of maps & nature that is transposed onto her Ceramic pieces. Her work displays an energetic and spontaneous quality, although her current work is more decorative & involves hand building, she is also loves to use the wheel making functional pieces.