Susan Romyn

The Quiet Voyager, 2022

33 × 31 × 50 cm
The Quiet Voyager

This group of vessels are part of an unending series of imagery on forms that focuses on the pivotal moments in life. Those small times where years later you realise that the compass shifted.
My work encompasses personal experience in a conscious observance of moments in time. It isolates the pivot …sits in its narrative and ponders its direction.
The Quiet Voyager is a series of three vessels depicting the imagery of a time where I needed to move, not only place but thoughts and expectations. This progression took some time and a couple of steps to achieve and thus the 3 different precarious house forms. The boats , townships and flight….positivity and trusting the pull of the moon….or fate really, makes up the narrative.
The method of creation is with white raku…..textured and drawn upon…fired and waxed and glazed to enhance both the image and the texture. The forms are simple house forms with stilted legs that move and find their feet in the kiln. I love that they are quite vulnerable but solid.
My studio is a refuge of thoughts…and this process is a tangible time to process decisions and things that have shaped me. A place where time moves both forwards and backwards settling into a timeline eventually which becomes my story.
The Quiet Voyager has a story to is edgeless…the images passing to adjacent surfaces with a natural progression over the form…even on the underside…those bits that are harder to see. For me it is a powerful method to express the limitless and unconfined aspects of stories and memories. The compass shifted slowly in this one…an intentional change…a pivot made with purpose. Positive and expanding. Quietly.
Hello! I am an Artist from Emerald Beach on the Mid North Coast of NSW. I have been dabbling in Visual Art all of my life …printmaking, painting, silversmithing, and textiles, but until I put my hands in clay 3 yrs ago , I have never really felt that I had found my true purpose. I instantly knew this was my home. I went to Tafe, studied a Diploma of Ceramics ; excited for everyday. I have qualified now, and I have been working this year at really defining what my story in clay will be. I am 56 years old, and now I have time to reflect on my life and the big and small pictures. I work in my studio at home…exhibit in a locally run Art space and volunteer there also. I participated in the Tafe exhibition at Kerrie Lowe Gallery in Sydney 2022, and also entered some work in a sculpture show there. I have sold a couple of pieces and am keen to expand my profile and see where that takes me. Ceramics is new in my life and I am only at the start of my journey in this field, with my mind full of many years of possibilities. The opportunity to be part of this prize would be an amazing next step in my creative journey.