Leonie McIntosh

Fruit Salad, 2023

60 × 60 cm
It is the feeling of familiar, or nostalgia that I want to provoke in the viewer, by providing objects and foods that represented a cherished time in childhood or life. My fascination with realism frames my style, and quirkiness and fun are more often than not the central theme. Placing favourite objects in a disproportionate sized setting, gives them new grandeur and represents how we have come to attach ourselves to the safe, familiar world that has shaped us.

Leonie has spent most of her life in northern NSW, and now enjoys the lifestyle here with her husband ans daughters. She started creating art as a teenager and quickly took to using oils in a realistic style. Over the years, Leonie’s work has been included in galleries in Toowoomba and Sydney as well as many art prizes within Australia. More recently, her work has evolved into a minimal, quirky style that focusses on nostalgia and making peoples favourite childhood memories larger than life.