melissa mcelhone

Bottles in the sun, 2023

65 × 45 cm
I found these old bottles in a shed on our property in Jarrara ( near Jamberoo). They are pretty old I have no idea how old but the original farmhouse in which we live dates back to 1824. I love the shape of them and how the light shines colour on to the shadows. The bottles were placed infront of a frosted window with sun shining directly behind so the shadows are very regimented. The reason I thought of bottled emotions for the title is because I felt the bottles almost had a human form as they stand obediently in formation, perfectly still. Then the love and sun shining through these bottles provides some personality to the forms in the gift of colour on the table below. What do we project to the world? Is our light brighter if we believe in our selves? Does love come from within?

Melissa has been a practicing ceramic artist for over 10 Year. This year she began painting. The piece submitted to NEAP titled Bottles In The Sun is oil on canvas.

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