Brett Anthony Moore (SOLD)

We, the privileged creatures, 2021

80 × 100 cm
I question our existence via each artworks poetic gestural abstraction. Time, space, life and death are deep considerations within each piece, reinforced by Buddhist and Vedic knowledge into reincarnation and meditation. These symbolic gestures of abstraction act like a language unto itself. It is a journey into consciousness, like a wild, hypnotic ride into the tesseract. The nature of each artworks naming reverts the viewers attention back to the present moment and the significance of our existence. Themes of anthropology, cultural views or common ideals are thrown into the vortex of abstraction so that the onlooker seeks to make sense of the correlation. The idea was to work with paint in its solid state. Such is the technological advances in acrylic paint that has enabled the ability to approach painting three dimensionally, thus helping to fuse each artwork created into alchemical state. The shape is determined by the final painted gesture like a hand print is unique to the individual. The ‘skin” becomes a metaphor for what lies beneath. There are no boundaries or confined areas. The expression of mark making is characterised and definite.