Although my professional life has not been in the art world, I have been painting and drawing since I was a teenager. Now, painting is a full-time hobby. I paint in oils. I am largely self-taught.
My subjects are of my experience, and so they reflect the reality of my everyday life. I am absorbed in my house, my garden and my family. So I only paint familiar objects and those that mean something to me, whether it be, the particular objects in a still life, or family members. And because of my attachment to the subject matter, there is always a narrative behind the picture.
I do the drawing(s) first and try to paint accurately what I see as well as capturing the mood or feeling of the time and place.
Established in 2021, the National Emerging Art Prize was created to provide an annual, highly visible national platform to identify, promote and support the most promising emerging visual and ceramic artists in Australia.