sophie Witter

I seemed to have lost my edges along the way, 2023

92 × 92 cm
'I seemed to have lost my edges along the way' is a self portrait exploring ideas of subjectivity and identity and depicts a woman, her partner and four children. It is playing with the concept of co dependency, motherhood and relationships. There are other objects such as washing baskets and vases that are anchoring the work in the mundane and bringing attention to housework and other daily routines. The work is framed with doors, to remind the viewer that one can come and go and is an invitation to leave the domestic space. This work is contemplating relationships and how we can individuate from them and find our boundaries. The colours and line are loose and expressionist, to create an immediacy and naivety to the work.
Sophie Witter began painting as a way of engaging with and representing the objects and relationships in her life. Sophie is a self-taught artist who lives and works in Hobart Tasmania with her partner and four children. Sophie’s work brings attention to the process of making art, and that it is often a composite process, completed in chaotic spaces, in between doing other things. Sophie is interested in collapsing the idea that art is made, consumed, and engaged with elite and discrete spaces. Sophie has had two solo exhibitions at Penny Contemporary in Hobart and has been in group exhibitions at Fenton and Fenton, AK Bellinger Gallery and Weswal Gallery. Sophie was a finalist in the Hawksbury Art prize 2023 and the Paddington art prize in 2020 and was part of the National Emerging Art Prize ACB Selects exhibition in 2021. Sophie’s works focus is varied, and includes still life’s, landscapes and abstracts. Sophie works predominantly with paint and uses colour and line as a starting point in her works. From there it is an intuitive process informed by the moment in time in which it is being created.