Helen Oram

“By the Factory Wall”, 2023

102 × 102 cm
This painting was inspired as I was passing an old factory in Surry Hills. I was taken by the curve of the light and the colour of the factory wall. My paintings are often typical Australian Landscapes with a solitary figure, sometimes two. I feel they portray the solitary life of children in the country, and their ability to adapt and amuse themselves contentedly. Although not a typical Australian landscape this work fits the idea of an inner-city scenario.

Helen Oram has been a practicing, exhibiting artist for many years. Now based in Sydney,
her inspiration is drawn from a childhood on an isolated farm in rural New South Wales.
Tuition was difficult in a small country town. She is largely self-taught, but took short classes, weekend work-shops and summer schools in the city when possible.
After painting every day of her adult life, a family tragedy found her unable to paint for many years, but following several life changes she has resumed working. This hiatus has totally changed her format and palette and led to a more vibrant platform.
Most works develop from small thumbnail sketches. After accentuating dominant shapes and lines, textures and colours are often suggested and then the idea transfered to a final larger surface. Lines are exaggerated and shading and colour are applied as dictated by the work.
The majority of work is oil or acrylic, on canvas or paper.