Jamie Edward

4078 Bruny Island Main Rd, Alonnah, TAS 7150, AU

Chair.net, 2024

82.5 × 71.5 cm
Sitting, what a joy. When you sit, you give yourself a moment of stillness – a chance to breathe, relax, and reset. Whether you’re sinking into a cozy chair with a good book or simply enjoying the view from a park bench, sitting allows you to savour the present moment. It’s an opportunity to connect with your thoughts, appreciate your surroundings, or simply do nothing at all. With this painting, I aim to capture the simple joy of sitting down and daydreaming.

Jamie Edward lives in lunawuni / Bruny Island, where he works as a visual artist, illustrator and designer. Holding a Bachelor of Science from ACU (2007) and a Bachelor of Communication Design from RMIT / Zurich University of the Arts (2012), Edward uses his interest in both science and design to make artwork that reflects our relationship to the world around us. Referencing his life in Tasmania, Edward explores themes centred around the natural and built environment, technology, human connection and the importance of place. Edward’s explores the influence of the sun, stars, moon, natural systems and life cycles and how they have been used in visual language and symbolic imagery throughout history to explain our past and contemplate our future. Edward works with ceramics, wood and paint.

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